This page is for past and present Venturer's that have achieved there Queenscout Award.
To achieve the Queenscout Award a they must complete these 13 badges:
- Environment
- First Aid
- Initiative
- Ideals
- Unit Management
- Citizenship
- Service
- Expodition
- Outdoors
- Expressions
- Lifestyles
- Pursuits
- Vocations
They also must Complete 1 Badge from the following sections
Community Involvement - Environment (Queenscout Level)
- Service (Queenscout Level
Outdoors - Expeditions (Queenscout Level)
- Outdoors (Queenscout Level)
Personal Growth - Expressions (Queenscout Level)
- Lifestyles (Queenscout Level)
- Ideals (Queenscout Level)
- Pursuits (Queenscout Level)
Leadership Development
The Following Venturers have Competed the Required Badges and be presented there Queenscout Award