Billy G's Gourmet Cookie and Biscuit Dough™ is one of the most popular cookie dough fundraising ideas throughout Australia – it's easy, affordable and delicious! The fundraiser is an order form drive – you receive the money up front from your families/members with their orders so you are financially risk free.
We had an Easter Fundraiser for all our lucky members of 2nd Toowoomba Scout Group.
Mother’s Day 11th May
$1 -$10
9th May at Scout Den Hall
Come buy something special for your mum’s at our Mother’s Day Stall.
Do you dare to go on a Mystery at night?????
Here is your chance we are holding a Mystery Dinner on the
12th July 2014
Cost $40 per person
Only 30 Tickets Available
The Bus is Booked and only the driver knows the Location of dinner so if your game enough to follow the mystery to its end
Pick up locations are:
2nd Toowoomba Scout Den 4.40pm
K Mart 5.00pm
BP Cambooya (on the highway) 5.20pm
We have many games and Raffles for the bus ride and a lucky seat prize
The 2nd Toowoomba Venturer Section is trying to fundraise funds to attend the Australia Venturer in 2015 in South Australia and have many fundraising avtivities lined up to try and make the price of the camp cheaper for all youth members that are attending.
This Fundraising is Chocolates Yum I know right can never say no to a good chocolate every now and then.
Please help support our venturers in the fundraising challange they have taken on by purchasing a chocolate or two from them.